We take pride in providing our young students with state-of-the-art education through activity-based learning



If your child is 3 years of age, nursery is where they belong. It’s 12 months of wholesome learning, peppered with vacations and holidays. The curriculum is comprised of oral and written exercises, involving English (Aa – Zz), Numbers ( 1 to 50) and a glimpse into My World – a host of activities tailored to resonate with holistic development of life skills, values, habits and etiquette.

Physical & Motor Development

Is able to move the hand and , body, and legs in co-ordination

Is able to hold the pencil and exert the correct pressure to write.

Is able to throw a ball, and attempts to catch one, with both hands.

Actively participates in physical education

Has an overall better balance in everything they do, including walking, running and everything that they do.

Is able to colour in one direction for some time.

Catches a bounced ball most of the time with both hands.

Sensory & Perceptual Development

Is able to build a tower with 4-8 blocks.

Is able to distinguish the genders.

Is able to string the beads into the string.

Understands heavy/soft and makes appropriate facial expressions.

Stacks blocks, group items by category, or size and places objects in the proper place

Holds the scissors properly and can exert the right pressure.

Understands the concepts of heavy/light; smells; hard and soft; in and out; basic shapes; family.

Cognitive Development
Is able to imitate familiar or recent experiences in play (e.g. teddy goes to the doctor) with the actions being repetitive.
Is able to understand the purpose of numbers for counting objects, correct sequence of an activity, and concept of counting.
Tries to remember parts of a story; familiar colours; identifies the missing numbers; points out above/below; loud/soft.
Correctly identifies the letters for example-J,O,Q,U even if written in a random manner.
Is able to recite the rhymes with actions.

 Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Helps around the house with very simple tasks.

Gradually, becoming more independent

Tries to find simple ways to solve arguments and disagreements while playing

Shows (may be by not name) a variety of emotions beyond happy, mad or sad.

Shows sense of humour; exhibits self-control; shares toy with others; learns to wait patiently in the queue.

Very conscious about own dress and personal cleanliness.

Cognitive Development
Is able to imitate familiar or recent experiences in play (e.g. teddy goes to the doctor) with the actions being repetitive.
Is able to understand the purpose of numbers for counting objects, correct sequence of an activity, and concept of counting.
Tries to remember parts of a story; familiar colours; identifies the missing numbers; points out above/below; loud/soft.
Correctly identifies the letters for example-J,O,Q,U even if written in a random manner.
Is able to recite the rhymes with actions.
Language Development
Is able to name pictures / objects when asked with clear words; name the parts of the body; say their own name.
Asks ‘wh’ questions, like ‘why’, to be able to get more information about things
Tries to express in a single sentence while looking at the picture reading pages done
Tries to express about own self in broken sentences.
Makes up own stories a, seeing the pictures.
Demonstrates oral expression
Creative Development
Likes to colour and does it within the outline
Is able to sing to the tune of their favourite song.
Shows interest in making the take always/ crafts.
Is able to dance in co-ordination
Shows a preference for favourite colours and styles of art ( e.g. child chooses orange marker or paint at nearly every artistic opportunity.)
Readily participates in decorations.
Spiritual & Moral Development
Is able to understand and feel sorry, doing something wrong; Shows love and care towards youngers
Listens attentively to the moral stories, mythological stories
Is very honest and speaks the truth even if a mistake has been committed; shows reverence and respect; Understands not to touch others belongingness.
Understand what is wrong/right to do.
Participates in all festivals, events, says prayer and shows respect to God.
